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Getting the right people in the right jobs is a lot more important than developing a strategy. Jack Welch

Just like Jack Welch, we are convinced the success and recognition of the Company are in skillful employees and their prominent performance results. Being a very selective employer who’s looking only for strong professionals, AP Complex has developed its own assessment system that passes in a few stages.

To join our team

We will be delighted to see you a part of our friendly AP Complex team, if:

  • You are a goal-oriented person with a strive for excellence and a “let’s-do” attitude;
  • You are ready for an intensive work and permanent learning, constant improvement of your professional skills and development of new ones;
  • You are willing to take responsibility and show steady results;
  • You are honest, you have a good sense of adaptability and you know how to step up out of your comfort zone.

Advices – To be ready for your interview

  1. Think over, if the chosen position is interesting enough for you, since you will need to devote most of your time to it.
  2. Estimate how challenging the position will be for you, and to which extend you are willing to look for unconventional solutions, participate in interesting, but complex projects;
  3. Construct carefully your curriculum vitae: indicate your objective, key skills, professional experience, work achievements, education. Please, pay an exclusive attention to the punctuation and spelling, we appreciate people with strong writing and oral communication skills.
  4. If you are a student or do not have yet a work experience, but you are willing to join our team, please, precise in your CV the field you would like to pursue your career.
  5. Be curious about the company – look through the company’s history, job description. Think beforehand about the questions you might be asked, decide on the field you would like to develop your skills, describe your ideas, short- and long-term goals.
  6. Prepare beforehand the questions you would like to ask during your job interview.

For an exhaustive list of the current job openings in our company, please, have a look here-under. If you meet the requirements mentioned in the job description, the AP Complex team is looking forward seeing you among us!

AP Complex is the company of opportunities and development.Become a part of the professional and experienced team!

Job Offers

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